Sunday, October 18, 2009

Playing Catch Up

I realize the posts are few and far between these days! Things have been incredibly hectic with travel, work, move, etc. As a matter of fact, it is Sunday and I am at work!! So here is a quick catch up and yet another promise that I will be posting about our trips to Eastern Europe and Munchen soon!!!

We have officially moved! Woo Hoo!! The new place has been a voyage of discovery with new things going wrong everyday. We are living without a sofa or dining room table but we do have satellite TV including ESPN America so Chris is happy ;-) Yesterday we went furniture shopping and got a sofa and table and have our fingers crossed that they will be delivered before or during the Kipphuts' visit... if not, please accept this as a formal apology for having to sit on the floor.

About 2 weeks before the move, we went to Munchen with 25 of our not so closest friends (truth be told I don't think I actually knew 25 people until the trip!) to celebrate Oktoberfest. Chris and I had been planning this trip since first visiting Germany a few years ago. Oktoberfest in Munchen is like Mecca for beer lovers... and as you all must surely realize by now, we are beer lovers! Take a moment now to imagine what the weekend was like... just think litres of beer, pretzels the size of my head, lederhosen, dirndls and of course Gnew Gnoah Gnome!!! Combine all of these things with a tent full of about 5000 litre drinking Germans! Good times!!!

And about 2 weeks prior to Munchen we spent a week in Budapest and Prague, as you may have guessed from the homeless disco tech post. I have a ton of pictures that capture the fun of eating pork knuckle, soaking in thermal baths, and enjoying the last days of Eastern European summer... Now if we could only get Internet access in our new place to upload pics!!!

Thanks for your patience!!!
Until next time,

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